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Bob Koenitzer DDS Blog

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mouth During the Winter

December 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 7:32 pm
Woman in sweater smiling during the winter

As the weather gets colder, it’s not uncommon to experience oral health issues such as tooth sensitivity, chapped lips, and dry mouth. Do you often struggle with these problems during the winter? If so, being proactive about taking care of your smile can help. Below are 5 useful tips from your dentist that can help you protect your mouth while you’re waiting for spring to arrive.


4 Tips to Help You Prepare for Invisalign

October 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 12:25 am
Man at dentist for Invisalign

After many years of dealing with crooked teeth and misalignment, you’re thinking about choosing Invisalign to straighten your smile! By closely following the instructions of your dentist, you will have beautifully aligned teeth in a short period of time. Until you’re able to get your first set of aligners, there are some steps that you can take to prepare for your treatment. Continue reading to learn some helpful tips to set yourself up for success.


So, Just How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

August 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 9:22 am
A dental patient enjoying the benefits of cosmetic dentistry

If you want to beautify your smile, chances are you’ve considered cosmetic dentistry. The field has the power to give you pearly whites that really live up to their name! Still, you may wonder, “How long does cosmetic dentistry last in Petaluma?” You wouldn’t want to buy an expensive service that doesn’t stick around for a while. Lucky for you, your local dentist is here to answer your concern. Read on to learn the average lifespan of three cosmetic dental treatments and tips for making them last.


Do Veneers Damage Your Teeth?

May 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 3:32 am

Model of veneer in front of toothYou can’t put a price on the benefits associated with a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, not everyone wins the genetic lottery. Whether from your family genes, trauma, or neglect, veneers can give you a picture-perfect smile. However, they are a big commitment because your cosmetic dentist will need to shave off some enamel, which won’t grow back. How much enamel needs to be removed for veneers in Petaluma? Not enough for you to worry about damaging your teeth. 


Root Canal Therapy: How Long Does It Take?

March 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 4:42 pm
person who had root canal therapy smiling

It’s no secret that root canal therapy is one of the most feared dental procedures. Though they have built up a bad reputation due to the rapid spread of misinformation over the years, root canals have a 97% success rate and alleviate the pain that comes with severe tooth infections. If your dentist tells you that you need to get a root canal for one of your pearly whites, you may be wondering how long the procedure will take. Read on to learn more about how the procedure works as well as how long you can expect to be in the treatment chair.


Is Root Canal Therapy Painful?

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 2:03 am
person wondering if root canal therapy is painful

When your dentist first informs you that you have to get a root canal, your initial reaction may be to dread the impending procedure. After all, TV shows, movies, and other forms of media have made it abundantly clear that this procedure is incredibly uncomfortable. Fortunately, the bad reputation that root canal therapy has gotten is unwarranted. To learn if root canals are painful, read on to see how the procedure works and what you can expect treatment to feel like.


4 Oral Health Tips for Cold and Flu Season

December 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 3:46 am

Sick child blowing her noseThere isn’t any doubt, cold and flu season is here. Along with cooler weather comes running noses and sore throats. The average child catches 6-8 colds per year. They are more susceptible to illness because they can’t resist touching germy surfaces or sticking things in their mouth. At the first sign your child isn’t feeling well, you head to the medicine cabinet to combat their symptoms. While you help them on their road to recovery, don’t let simple mistakes harm their dental health. Here are 4 tips you need to know to safeguard your child’s smile from cold and flu season.


Exploring the First Thanksgiving & Oral Hygiene of the Time

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 4:30 am
pilgrims and native americans

While historical records are spotty on the exact details, it is believed the first Thanksgiving may have occurred 400 years ago in the fall of 1621. Approximately 90 Wampanoag Native Americans gathered with 53 Pilgrims for a feast that supposedly lasted three days. Imagine deciding after two days of feasting that another day was needed!

Anyhow, some things have certainly changed about the modern Thanksgiving. For one, lobster isn’t a common modern Thanksgiving item as it was back then. What about the oral hygiene practiced in those days? It was, in fact, a thing in the 1600s. Read on to learn about the diets and toothcare habits of the attendees at the first Thanksgiving.


3 TikTok Recipes That Can Benefit Your Smile

October 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 5:46 am
Whipped coffee

It can be difficult to be creative when it comes to new recipes. Your current treats are great, but are you aching for something new? Fortunately, others have done the hard work for you! TikTok is full of all the latest trends, and that includes recipes. While many seem to be fattening and sugar-filled, the truth is that there are all sorts of wholesome options that can benefit your oral health. Here are just a few of the most common.


Instant Orthodontics with Veneers

September 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — petalumasmilesteam @ 9:27 pm
dentist attaching veneers to patient’s teeth in Petaluma

While looking back at old photos, you notice that your teeth are more crooked than you realized, and you decide that you’re going to look into having them straightened. While you may have to spend months in Invisalign or even years in braces to realign your smile, veneers can be used to correct minor misalignments in as few as two appointments. Learn why veneers are often called instant orthodontics and how they can give you the perfectly straight smile you’ve always wanted.

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